At times, I end up seeing people (never met though) with whom time failed miserably to gift the effects of aging. Their radiance defies age; they carry an aura of mystique as if they meditated for ages. Trust me, my words cant express how jealous am to see them.

For fun, I could easily associate that Hakuna-Matata (No worries) attitude to either “Ignorance is Bliss” or “insensitive category people”. On a serious note, I envy their whole of life that is free from the so-called pains of life. As much as I love a valid problem and a good struggle to resolve, I always fantasize a smooth silky stream lifestyle.

One of my favorite sentences is, “I asked God for strength, and he gave me problems”. Strength that comes after solving problems comes at a cost. They do make you wiser, but the struggle leaves some real marks on us. Especially on how you look. Indeed that adds more beauty to how a person looks, in a way.

I believe it was that smooth silky stream lifestyle for most of us until sometime. Then it changes. For me, very recently. Couple of years in numbers, to be more specific. All we knew were focused-information in the past decade. There were days in my childhood I did super crazy things to engage my time. Now the story is different. It’s not focused-information we are after, its chase-all meaningless era. To keep up with the junk world, more junk to be filled into the never-properly-utilized-brain. As Christopher Nolan stated, all 7 billion people wants all of it. It’s starting from money and ends with money related.

Mine was similar while I was hungry for more and more (mostly for information); I didn’t realize am in the flashflood with the current generation that has access to too much of the information. I had the least idea that it would lead me to lose the innocence.

Am just a typical user of Facebook, Twitter, and the rest not so often. In Facebook I have quite a number of friends/acquaintance, follow mostly Photography pages and jokes/funny pages. Earlier facebook was purely meant and used for friends feed of their updates or pictures. These days, more than 80 percentage is forward messages, images, videos. While I do like seeing few of them, rarely one of the dangerous pop out somewhere. Few months back, a video that showed how one was beheaded alive somewhere in the middle east and how much of bloodshed in Sri Lanka – all shared by very regular people in the friend’s list.

The list goes on with awful images of maggots and so. I don’t even want to list them full. My heart and stomach can’t handle those, so after 1 or 2 such incidents I became extremely careful on what I view. If such images get hurled in the social media, I scroll through very fast. I did my best to mute those wherever possible.

See it’s not just me. Am pretty sure, even though people are reluctant enough to avoid such media, curiosity will take them over and would end up spoiling their mind. These things don’t get out of the brain that easily. They properly digested over the months with 100 thousand questions. My heart is not anymore that innocent. I rather wish I didnt see those disturbing videos. Few things are best un-learned, un-spoken.

Last month, someone shared a heart transplantation video in Facebook and, needless to say, I hesitated and then clicked. Unlike I thought what it could be, this was a real eye-opening thing and emphasized how far our journey in terms of medical assistance. It may even make some school goers to aim for medical studies.

To sum it up, we have both. It’s what we want to get exposure to. Unfortunately, there is no crystal clear line on what’s good or bad. That thick band is left to the viewers to decide. Some are appropriate for few and not for the rest.

Now let me take a full detour – Leave what I feel about those media.

Spend a moment to think about those people in those videos. Crimes happen everywhere. Few of the African countries face deadly wipeout because of diseases and hunger. These people in those media, a category.

Broadly speaking, as much as anyone else, we are helpless for their situation and we do our best to help them. These people are another category, including me.

And there is another category, that I mentioned in the first paragraph. They are not even aware of the other two category’s problems. I don’t blame them. In fact, peacefulness in their heart not only keeps them at peace but ensures they never face the problems of the other two categories. Best, they never hurt any of the category. If we can name that religion Peace, shouldnt the entire world need to follow.

Intentionally, let me leave you half way with just one question.

Is it that hard for keeping that “inner” peace?




Kavitha · December 6, 2014 at 9:50 pm

I am sure if media can take away the inner peace…I am sure good reads like this helps definitely to bring about a change to take a look into themselves at a certain point… though it might not reset your innocence back but I hope and pray the inner peace will heal in time

Kavitha · December 6, 2014 at 9:37 pm

An intriguing message…rather, an eye opener I must say… waiting for your next one

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