Purpose of the movies?  To entertain, to make us think  & to make us feel good. There are movies, gives all in small portions but fails to get recognized in individual expectations.

I believed James cameron is the best until I saw Inception (Christopher Nolan). Am quite surprised he is not on par but above the veterans like Spielberg, Cameron if you ask me personally. Couldnt believe this batman trilogy, memento (screenplay) and Inception are the only ones came out from him and hold record imdb ratings.

This movie is no exception. Its not a food you fancy in a fastfood joint. But a food you would enjoy that was cooked by your mom during a festive time. Just the right ingredents and adjusted to your taste buds.

Starts with a nice action sequence thats more than real – that I love in Nolan’s movies. Not much of a graphics fan I believe. Its just natural, realistic. Continues from where it left (in part II)  and goes through various stages. Each and every character is carved and given reasonable importance. Music, easily recognizable and fits too perfectly and keeps us really glued to the screen for the next moment – not nail byting, but with curious eyes.

Every one of them did their job pretty decent. Am fan of Christian Bale as well for his blank look. 😛

Its the best part – the story. Despite the fact that gotham city originates from the comics, makes us to feel its a real city and the happenings are just acceptable. Story is one of the backbone of this movie. Nicely written and well executed. Loved the character of Bane (Tom Hardy), couldnt believe his physique but gorgeously fitting for a villain role.

I always had a liking corner for Morgan Freeman; may be he looked a lot like my grandfather who loved me a lot. You would see all pretty faces including Liam Neeson for brief period.

Nice twists and surprises are there all the way to the end. Movie runs close to 3 hours and I still wished the movie goes on.

Overall, a spectacular end to the trilogy.

Waiting for his “Man of Steel” next year. Hope he mesmerizes me again.

At the end of the day, or at the end of the movie, its all about how we feel. It felt good and when I rode my motorbike back to home, I wished its Batman’s for a moment.


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