Wuling Farm
At the end of Xueshan hiking, we had a stopover in Wuling Farm. It was beautiful with its colorful flowers and trees. This place is known for Land-locked Formosan Salmon Watching, Alpine botanical garden and various ponds. Also it has excellant accomodation for the hikers.
Land locked Salmon
Lying below the Wuling Valley, the cold crystal Cijiawan creek flows through the valley and its the home for Formosan Landlocked Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus). These are some of the Salmons that never see the sea. This kind of salmons available only in Japan, korea and at last spread at Taiwan and nowhere else in the world. The small museum kind of thing offered little information and mostly in their language. Its a wonderful picnic spot!
That night we went back to Taipei and stayed at Chientan Activity Center at Jian Tan – Taipei Rapid Transit System station: Danshui line (Red Line). Its huge and hostel type accomodation.
Check the below Taiwan Links from my blog
Xueshan 1
Xueshan 2
Wuling Farm
Shilin Market
National Palace Museum
Taipei 101
Taipei Zoo