Yes, I watched ‘The OA’ and am joining the queue of people asking netflix to renew its. Please, Yes!. I have watched multiple TV series (not that am proud of, but not regretting too as my list is just the top rated. Okay, then how The OA got in then?. Somewhere from the Twitter hashtags “SaveTheOA”. People went on to raising internet requests in and more than 80K people already signed the petition. Okay, whats happening.
So, I went and played the series.First couple of episodes were moving building up the curiousity and then it took off. It took off something like a jet – inter galactic type. I love the genere that mystical and suspenseful. This is something at a different level. Let me just highlight in the way I liked.
The story/Story telling.
You got me writers. I have read many booked, watched few series, but story telling is new level. They way story telling in the story is amazing. Keeps you engaged, intersted, just like them who listen to Priarie. My sincerce claps to you guys.
(Brit Marling & Zal Batmanglij). They way story unfolds as we progress, pure class and pure classic. It covers lot of tracks and at times they reveal the oddness but who am I to complains while watching non-stop. Story takes lot of transitions and uses very powerful dialogues at times. Few are below.
– It’s not really a measure of mental health to be well-adjusted in a society that’s very sick.
– To exist is to survive unfair choices.
– Everything good in this world takes getting used to.
..and lot more!
Brit Marling
Prairie, I had no idea you were part of the writing too. From an innocent looking face to the dominating russian, what a transformation. Though the prelimary chracterization was fragile, I bet it was designed that way and you fitted the role like a tight glouse. You are pleasantly beautiful.
Jason Isaacs
I purely hated, for your souless eyes in the series, but that really took the villainy level a whole new dimension. Thats amazing acting. You were passionate, you wanted answers but the path you chose was not good.
Russian town scenes.
Thats visual treat as we are at the safe distance with the warmth of Singapore. Am sure that weather might be bone numbing.
Am not sure if the series is really cancelled or some kind of tasteless marketing stunt, either way, just like those 1000s of viewers, am also secretly wishing that Netflix would renew. Am not sure at any point of time it touched up few things they shouldn’t have – as a normal viewer just saw that as the story but for its intense and hallucinating like story lines that really got my respect. Hope that’s not a reason to cancel the series though.