Came across an eye catching read today which talked about top 10 cities where tourists flock. With a curious eye where I have been and havent, I took a quick look and few werent surprising and few were.
Here is the list first before I brag about what I feel about it.
10) Barecelona
9) Hong Kong
8) Kuala Lumpur
7) Dubai
6) Istanbul
5) New York
4) Singapore
3) Paris
2) London
1) Bangkok
Well – what caught me in the list was Barcelona and Istanbul. No doubt they are quite beautiful (yes – I didnt go there yet), but just wondering how did they surpass some of the other beautiful cities.
Out of 10, Asia pacific holds 4 which clearly indicates that the rest of the old is quite interested at this part of the earth!
While I worried why Sydney or any of its neighbour’s didnt make the list, I convinced myself that I will never see an Indian city for the next decade atleast. Thanks to the recent media presence of India for all wrong reasons.
Dubai, which invites globe-shoppers and transitters with open arm got a comfortable position. Yes, I will go again when am rich..
New York, am really wondering how it got to the list – for tourism or just sheer concrete-jungle-visitor count?!!
Singapore – yes! I have 1000 reasons to support it!. Despite the size of the city state, it managed to attract more than 9 million people in 2012. Marina Bay Sands, and the city area, enough to keep them entertained for a week at least. Most of the places are post card perfect.
Paris – If its not for Eiffel tower, am very sure what that city would be facing. I liked the place, but trust me, I would think twice if I have to visit again. I see verison 2 of India out there.
London – I cant comment until I get a chance!
Bangkok – Oh yea – naughtiest and top of the list. Sincity of Asia – and you on the top the list!.. That means most of the Tourist who flock to the city are????