A friday evening was spent how exactly not to be spent. I dont have much options that my mind considers other than heading to a movie here in Golden Village. The trailor created lotsa interest and the ever promising Johnny Depp and the Tim Burton promised me something. Trusted that and went for night show. Well, the Dark Shadows killed the mood and had anything hardly to say.

Life turns into a rollercoaster ride all of a sudden when your planner says list of things and the brain says even more and thats when heart says “all these stuff??”. I like doing them, the more you plan to do, the more you do. The more organized you are, the more gets on our way. I should keep a break somewhere.

Moved to a new place and that asked for so much of packing, moving, unpacking, fixing, re-fixing and getting new stuff. The saga continues if we get stuff from IKEA, we do more thinking we know everything. Yup, it does because IKEA writes A,B,C and tells you to read its that simple. Fun stuff. Between, IKEA are carefully designed by all aspects and approaching things from the psychological perspective. No wonder they make so much of money.

In one of those journeys to the IKEA, ended up in talking to the taxi driver.

He didnt beat around the bush, asked if he can share few things. I said, yea sure.

He asked if I have kids and I said no. Then he started and didnt stop for like 10 mins and I just wished the journey was longer. Let me try to write his voice as I heard.

“First, when you decide to move on with your life to bring kids in your life, first, you have to make your mind and then ask if your wife totally agrees with you on that. If she agrees proceed.

Then, I respect all religion, whatever your religion is, pray God. Pray God that give a happy kid. Make sure your wife never gets angry when she is pregnant. Make sure your wife doesnt frown her face. Make sure she is happy. Make sure, she talks to the kid every day. You, talk to the kid. If the kid kicks the mom post 10 pm, touch the belly and tell the kid to sleep.

Thank God, for what he has given.

Once the kid is born, see how happy he is. By the way you taught it when the mother was carrying, the kid will be always happy. Not at all adamant.When you say the chocolate last time you got still in Fridge, he will accept and will not cry.

When you take to the food stall, dont ask the kid what it wants. He will say Fish and Chips and you will say not goooood for health. So why you ask him in first place. You know whats good for kid. So you get it. (In his best singlish).

Once the kids is born, tell the kids I love you and tell your wife that I love you more as you gave me those nice kids. Always love the kids but love the wife more. If you change all of a sudden to the kids, she wont show but will cry in heart.

Dont ever forget, kids will go away, she (wife) will be the person will be there till your last breath. (My too sensitive heart made sure to blur my sight for a moment).

For sure, he is one happy person who loves his life and family. If every one in their life knows their purpose, how would the world could be? 🙂


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