20th World Orchid show 2011 was hosted in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore from 13th Nov 2010 to 19th 2010. Also as part of this, visitors have been granted a sneak peek at the Gardens by the Bay an iconic project near Singapore Flyer. Grand opening of this project is planned to be in July 2012.
Thought I got a chance to get some decent pics. However, learned that I may need a 5D Mark II or even 1D to get the pics the way I want. Here some pics that came decent enough to publish here.
First, we visited Gardens by the bay. Out of 2 iconic shell-looking gardens, one was open specially for the visitors of World Orchid Show. When we visited, Minister Mentor MM Lee honoured the show with his visit.
Here are some tongue twisting names and their pics.
Gardens by the Bay
Brachiton rupestris also called as bottle tree comes from the family malvaceae.
Xanthorrhoea glauca called commonly as grass tree comes from Xanthorrhoeaceae family; these are from Australia
South African Garden
In Afrikaan language Strandveld means beach vegetaion and could see many of them here.
Fynbos means Fine Brush in the same way and refers to the plants with very sharp leaves thick enough to avoid fire are here. These leaves got a waxy layer that protects the moisure that it got.
Birds of paradise, king sugar bush ( which comes from the same family of King Protea – national flower of South Africa) , Aloeveras planted here.
South American Garden
Chilean wine palm, chilean puya, monkey puzzle tree.Malvaaece, Fuchsia sp, fuchsia magellanica