Its all about PADI certification! At times – things look bigger are easier to finish. I scribbled in my diary to enquire PADI certificate in the month of Sep 11. When the page came alive – as usual my little “reading” started. I knew PADI was quite recognized. After a good amount of web-surfing time, I got to know that there are SDI, SSI, NAUI, BSAC. Let me try to saveyou further readings.
PADI – (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) – Their course concentrates and derived from extensive recreational experiences and researches.
SDI – (Scuba Diving International). founded by Technical Diving International. As the name says concentrates on the technicality of diving
SSI – (Scuba schools International). follows the guidelines of RSTC (Recreational Scuba Training Council) so does PADI.
NAUI – (National Association of Underwater Instructors) – a non-profit organization which is serious about diving with longer classes tougher certification practices.
BSAC – (British Sub-Aqua Club) – A Club! Homely environment which trains once membership is accepted.
I made my mind easily to PADI and my next search to the diving company that offers padi certification here (Singapore). Well – quite surprised to see the number of operators. Bit more forum reading gave me top lists. Waikiki sounded too professional and serious to me. There were lot of appreciations for the friendly gill divers (
Just walked-in to their office opposite to Central Mall. It didnt take much time to choose my Theory class schedules and the pool session one. But was in dilemma about the final one. Finally made my mind to the Dayang Island trip. Monica the great instructor helped to understand things quickly about diving and going-back-to-schools work of calculating diving interval times gave a little hard time. Am sure its a relief to find android and iphone apps to calculate these. Search for “Diving” in appstore or Market. 😉
For Pool session, Outram Park secondary school’s swimming pool was used. It was a good few hours under the water. I just wished the day was cooler. 😛
After couple of weeks (as per my opted-schedule) the day came. On 30th Sep evening we left. Prior to that, I got my own set of diving things as I was relatively uncomfortable with the diving suite that I used for pool sessions. Got a cool-looking mask (special thanks to Monica at gilldivers for helping me choose) and a diving suite and convinced myself I could do with that.
I slouched into my as usual sight-seeing posture. In no time, we were at the Marsiling Jetty of Malaysia. Dayang and Tioman Islands are couple of hours of boat journey from there. We saw the entire crowd say 95% are divers. A wave rose in my mind with a sarcastic comment – ” you should have completed padi atleast a year back”. Yes – diving is not new to me but the certificate. While many of caught up in group chat, few settled for smoking. I was left alone as usual. Alien-me!!
I took a small walk and found nothing around except the buildings and small shops. came back and tried to close my eyes for a while as the boat would leave only at 2am. While I was about to get into stage 1 sleep, you guessed- time was 2 and we were packed into the ferries. When am thinking of that boat, am thinking of the stomach of a big toad. No idea – why is that. It was comfortable bit tight for bigger ones to sit in those movie-theatre style seats.
When realized I was in a good sleep in those uncomfortable sea journey (felt lot of waves hitting the ferry hard), we were told that we reached Dayang at 4am. Guess I was half-sleep-walking by then. We were shortly allocated cottages to small groups. It may be called as resort. But its cosy for youngsters on a shoestring budget. I didnt complain. I like enjoying differences in life.. 😉
Those row type cottages were right on the shore and the rough sea was trying to barge in. Luckily cottages were 15 feet higher from the sea level. Tried to sleep and after adjusting my ears to the neighbourhood sounds I sunk into one of those dreamless sleeps. A rarity.
Next two days were amazing. My instructor Ben was very kind and taught a lot during next 2 days of diving. Except first diving which was totally for settling down all were fun.
Dive 1
On 1st Oct morning 11:30 at Kadur diving side our first dive took place. We had calm weather and could see few marine activity in the first one itself. We saw bat fish, sea cucumber and the dive lasted 58 minutes. 7 Meters of depth!
Dive 2
On the same day, post lunch we dived at Lang Bay and the dive lasted a minute more than the first one. This time we managed to reach 10.1 meters. We saw cushion seastar, black shrimps and clown fishes.
Dive 3
After a bit of rest we headed to the waters and recorded 16.8 meters depth which lasted for 39 minutes. This time, newer ones were clams, baracuda, seal faced pauper, wart slugs and sponges were spotted.
Dive 4
Next day we had a relaxed dive at 8am at 15.9 meters of depth. We managed to see Titan trigger fish at safe distance (at least for me).
Laters, we got into the toad belly sorry ferry and reached Marsiling. Bus (with the F1-Driver) had some troubles with the bus – but eventually reached Singapore before it was late.
I was hell tired – but sense accomplishment beats everything!!.