In short time, snow-capped mountains started to mesmerize our eyes. After accompanying other tourist busses and cars, we reached that small little town of Franz Josef. Given that weather, made me to think perfect and ideal time for helihike. We have three lovely peaks out there and two of the best glaciers.
Looking at that clear weather, I was poised to have the helihike that evening itself. Luckily my request with Alpine Adventures ( has been accepted and we were scheduled to the 6.20 pm schedule. We had more than 90 mins in hand which I could have used to check in to our hotel. As per the plan if time permits, I was supposed to cover the lake Matheson next day for its mirror reflection of the Mt. Cook. Having 90 mins at hand and a lovely car that just responded to every one of touch made me to drive to Lake Matheson. I was thinking its a matter of 20 Kms. Roads are good in NZ because of their continuous efforts. Every winter makes sure that the road has been ravaged.
Franz Josef is no exception and the roads get damaged even during summer. At least for 5 Kms, we had to drive on mud roads right at the curves of hills. Luckily the pre-drive for the day made me to drive those places comfortably. After a good stretch (almost 40 kms), we managed to get into Cook Flat road which when connections Lake Matheson road. We drove along with other tourist cars just to see a plain area where cars have been parked. Lake Matheson walking route takes an hour to complete from that place for return. I bet, no matter whether I had time or not, I was simply reluctant to go the lake at all. Promptly we got into the car and drove all the way back to Franz Josef. I just realized how bad those roads were and I didnt respect them at all when I came earlier.
We made it to the Alpine Glaciers just in time. The other notable building there is FOX Glacier who offer a lot of activities (one which gonna cover in the next article), sit right across the road.
We have grand peaks called Mt Tasman Glacier at 11475 feet and Mt Cook at 1280 feet. Mount Cook has access from the exact other side as well. These look simple but one can realize how brutal the climb can be once starts from the foot. Thank God and science we didnt have to start from the foothills using foot but the helicopters. It was our first time flying with a helicopter. The moment I sat and locked, that dragon fly exactly made me to feel that am in a small ball of glass. Views were pretty amazing and clear. These guys have got their base right next to the Franz Josef Glacier.
A bit about Glaciers.
Glaciers are meant different in different regions. In the Oceania, Glaciers just mean the overflow of snow and ice that was accumulated over a long period during winter. This ice-river slowly run towards the sea and somewhere in between, it gets melted and the stream runs to the sea from that place on. Here Franz Josef and Fox glacier account for the spectacular view of the ice flowing down from the mountains to the base. Franz Josef is a 12 KM glacier that terminates 19kms from the sea. That’s the easily reachable ice glaciers in the world comparatively. Cousin Fox Glacier 20 Kms down the road is another spectacular one those just 300 meters above sea level. I heard global warming is making these glaciers to retreat over the years.
The dragon fly just warmed up a bit and when the throttle was engaged, it was just as if like you glass cabin or capsule is pulled up through a cable. It was that easy for that machine. Best part about the choppers are, they fly at angles and we tend to incline towards their angles which literally at time puts us to see the ear flat from the sky. Really short breath moments. I was hoping it to be cold, but the sun made sure to deliver plenty of vitamin D along with UV.
Initial choppy ice patterns came to our face. It looks like a small channel from the sky and looks like the typical flow of the ice when it’s overfilled. However, once you get to know that the gap between the ends is 4 Kms in width, they shook our imaginations. How gigantic rocks made of ice and the loose ends of them, splits of them. List will never end.
After few rounds at the Franz Josef Glacier, our chopper got more throttle to find ourselves even above the clouds in distance. That lovely clean sky, showed the cleanest images of Mt Tasman and Mt Cook. At one final throttle, we were even atop the Mt Cook itself. After a little while, it started to descend to land on snow.
This was the best part I was waiting for. After some roller-coaster effects, we slowly landed on the snow on a valley just before the glacier started. Having the chopper and landing on a private snow mountain is bliss. I wish I flew that metal fly which would have made the moment incomparable in my whole life.
We got down feeling the chill factor and almost finding nothing. Standing on ice and feeling just cooler air is another miracle of nature’s I should say.
After few jumps and snow ball hits, we joined the chopper. It couldn’t be better day by any means. mmmm.. yes and no..