Publish Date 25 April 2006
Here is first set of photos.. 😉 Today we have tried some Go carting near SFO. Here are some photos and my room. Rest will follow. J

Nice response… Few of you encouraged to send without my handsome (?!) face and few wanted it badly.. Last Saturday I roamed in the streets of San Francisco and on Sunday a nearby park facing back water of SFO bay and a mall like our Forum. I liked the park much and I walked .5 KM from my hotel and I didn’t like the mall at all and I walked 6 KM.. I wasn’t aware that the mall will be looking like Forum and 10 fold in size.. Hope everyone doing great! Except food, all look fine. When I come back to India, I will write a article starting from how to apply for visa to how to reach India back safely. Because, I had tough time everywhere. So I may give you the right details… : – ))
Except missing India, I have no new news. Take care all! Send me your comments/mails too. After all, those are the ones sooth my home sick. J

I have taken these photos on Sunday!….
I wondered how much luckier these people to have such beautiful park and the backwater covered yard near their home! It was neat and nifty. I am not so good at photography, so excuse me if I haven’t covered it well.. J
As every Indian, my patriotism burned me for a while , later convinced itself, it will be hard to make India like this with your two little hands.. Whatever I have seen, could have been done in India in a more perfect way.